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Category: General

How I’m Building Margin into the Busyness of Life

How I’m Building Margin into the Busyness of Life

Acknowledging the Need for Margin If you are like me, I’m sure you’ve said a time or two that you wished you had more hours in the day, more days in the week, more time to get all the things done. We never seem to wake up early enough or stay up late enough to get all the laundry, dishes, reading, tidying, loving on our people done. Depending on our goals and priorities, we have to cram in all the…

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What to Expect From Me in The New Year

What to Expect From Me in The New Year

Hello all! The New Year often brings a time of reflection, and this year was no different. I’m excited to share what to expect from The Homemade Mama for 2024. First of all, thank you for following along over these past months. I have enjoyed chatting with you and growing this community of people who want to get back to the simpler ways of doing things. I decided to try again (for the 3rd time) at this blogging thing back…

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