How Prepared Are You? The Time is Now!
Hey there folks! If you are keeping up with current events at all, I’m sure you are aware that the world is a crazy place. While I don’t watch mainstream media, the outlets I do patronize show me all I need to know that the time is now. It is past time to think about what is coming. Are you prepared?

Are you prepared?
“What is coming?” you ask? It is never my intention to sound like a doomsday fanatic or spread a spirit of fear. I do not know that the future holds. However, I do want to implore you to wake up and realize we’ve got work to do. This platform is all about equipping people to master old fashioned skills for the purpose of feeding, nourishing, and caring for their family AND community. The time to learn the skills is now.
The Importance of Skills
With these thoughts in mind, I plan to walk you through ways to get back to the basics in the coming months. There might come a day when the world as we know it ceases to exist. The modern conveniences we rely on might not always be easy to access or use. For example, even with no power, you still need clean clothes, hot food, and clean water. Do you know how to solve those problems? The old fashioned skills are going to be what matters. The local communities are going to be what matters. Take advantage of your time RIGHT NOW and learn the things you need to learn.

Over the next few months, we are going to talk about how to process, preserve, PREP, and use foods in basic categories such as milk/dairy, eggs, meat, produce, and grains. We are going to talk “outside skills” such as building a fire, cooking over a fire, growing a garden, and growing medicine. Then, we will dive into herbal (traditional) medicine as your front line of defense in your home, such as my personal favorite, Honey Fermented Garlic. And, we will make bread together, learn how to preserve the harvest, and how to forage for foods locally. I will encourage you to develop local relationships with farmers and your neighbors. The time is now. Use it wisely.
Faith over Fear
We do not live with a spirit of fear, but with a sound mind. I’m not telling you to go out and buy thousands of dollars worth of supplies or equipment. I am saying you need to equip yourself with information and skills for the future.

God gave Joseph a warning to prepare for the plague and Jospeh acted on it. God told Noah to build an ark to prepare for something that no one could have even anticipated or believed would happen. And he obeyed! Are you willing to take similar steps to prepare your home, family and community, or will you have to journey to Egypt for grain? Will you faithfully prepare, or be left out in the rain? The time is now. Are you prepared?

Don’t forget to check out the podcast for more conversations on preparedness, traditional methods, homeschooling, and more!