The Best Of Intentions: 2023 Garden Fail
The Fall 2023 Garden Fail
After a long, hot, dry summer, and what felt like a never ending football season (we started conditioning in July and had our last game right before Thanksgiving), the last thing I wanted to do was get out in the garden. Early in the year I had all the plans to grow all year long, but by the time the end of summer came, I was as burnt out as a sun-bleached jalapeno. So, despite my best intentions, I did not plant an intentional Fall/Winter garden this year.

I’ve decided not to beat myself about it, even though I am a bit disappointed. I tried a few times to plant brussels sprouts and cabbages, and they just didn’t take. I didn’t prioritize getting our in the garden everyday and it didn’t rain nearly as much as it did last year, so things just got let go. Sometimes, that happens and that’s ok!
When you walk through a season in life when not everything fits into the schedule, you have to learn to give yourself grace and let go of some of the things. Unfortunately, the garden was one of those things this Fall. Thankfully, we don’t solely rely on our garden for produce, but that is a definitely a goal. When you find yourself in a “let it go” season, you don’t have to give up all togther. Find another option that helps you provide the quality you desire for your family. It isn’t compromising, it’s just doing what you can with what you have.

Good. Better. Best.
If you haven’t checked out my podcast yet, here is the link. You can also check out the introduction post here. My co-host Wendy and I recently did an episode called “Good, Better, Best” where we discussed this very topic! We do not subscribe to the belief that we have to do all the very best things, all the time. That’s not realistic and often leads to burnout and frustration. (It certainly has for me!) Done is better than perfect! Instead of holding yourself to an unrealistic standard, learn to give yourself grace and determine what is right for your current season and goals.
How Do You Choose?
Let me give you an example. I have big plans for my family when it comes to how we source our dairy products. My very best would be milking our own dairy cow and making all of our own raw dairy products. I can just see the stacks of cheeses, jars of yogurt, mountains and mountains of golden butter! Right now, my family isn’t in the position to purchase or properly care for a cow (YET), so we take a step back and see what is the better option.
For now, the better option is purchasing raw milk from a local producer AND practicing techniques to make those cheese products for when I have large daily quantities I need to put up. Even still, I’m not quite in a consistent routine of even making butter from our raw cream, so my good is we are actually drinking the raw milk. We are investing in our health now so we can enjoy those projects in the future. None of these steps back feel like a compromise and I don’t feel guilty about any of them. This is the season I’m in right now.

Grace in the Garden
So you see, giving yourself grace to choose the good or better option over the best option isn’t going to compromise your goals or values. You find how to fit what you CAN do into your values instead of stressing about all the things you can’t do. Whether you are growing a garden this winter or not, give yourself grace and know that you can always try again next season.
I’ve got big plans for the spring garden, but first we have to get out there and do some clean up. I’m thinking about letting the chickens have all the ground and till it up for me, but I might not have enough time to let their manure age before planting. Maybe that would be an option for next winter. Regardless, I’m excited to get out and play in the dirt again and grow food for my family. I texted a friend the other day and told her I’m so ready to get some groceries in the ground this Spring. Anyone else relate?
Whether you are in your garden this season or not, I wish you well and happy growing!