What to Expect From Me in The New Year

Hello all! The New Year often brings a time of reflection, and this year was no different. I’m excited to share what to expect from The Homemade Mama for 2024.
First of all, thank you for following along over these past months. I have enjoyed chatting with you and growing this community of people who want to get back to the simpler ways of doing things. I decided to try again (for the 3rd time) at this blogging thing back in June 2023. (You can read my very first episode here.)
I was stuck at home on a Sunday morning with a sinus infection desperately desiring an outlet to share the all the wonderful things I was learning and exploring. I loved the idea of sharing real life recipes, farm adventures, and homeschool life as a way to inspire others like me to bring back the old ways and revamp them for our modern time. I’m fully in my sourdough-baking, kombucha-brewing, herbal-medicine using era and I plan to stay here for a very long time.
Taking a Minute to Reflect
This holiday season we’ve enjoyed slowing down and living in the moment with our family. Taking time off from posting online has allowed me to step back and figure out how I want to use this platform (as well as the Homemade Mama Facebook and Instagram accounts) going forward. As the New Year approached, I took time to consider how I wanted to use this blog and what I could do to best serve my audience. Now, I’m excited to finally put thoughts to keyboard and share those plans with you!
One of my goals for this blog is that it would be a resource for women (of any age) who want to get back to the old ways of doing things. These old ways include a variety of topics. Some of you are interested in working in the kitchen to produce wholesome, nutritious meals for your family. Others of you want to learn all you can about growing and sourcing your own food. Do you have a desire to intentionally educate your children (whether you choose to homeschool or not) and need to know you aren’t alone? Maybe you want to learn how to live within your means while maintaining a home reflective of your family’s values.
All of you are welcome here at the Homemade Mama!
I want to inspire you, dear reader, and share what I’m learning on my journey. I definitely don’t have it all figured out, but I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty, do the research, and learn something new. This year my goal is to post once a week on the blog and share videos and pictures on social media. I want to share farm happenings, recipes, old ways inspiration, and homeschool encouragement.
Things you can look forward to this year on The Homemade Mama:
- More Sourdough recipes!
- All the bread things!
- Pantry basics
- Printable worksheets and info-graphs
- Garden updates/tours (those videos will be available on my YouTube channel)
- Homeschooling adventures
- Practical DIY tutorials
- Homemade Beauty Products (that actually work)
- Product Recommendations
- and much, much more!
If any of this sounds inspiring to you, I invite you to follow along and join me in this amazing journey we call life! See ya soon!